As the end of the year approaches, many of us are reflecting on our blessings and looking for ways to celebrate them. One great way to do this is by dedicating a week each December as “Blessed Week” – a time where we focus on showing gratitude and appreciating what we have. Here are some ideas for how you can make your Blessed Week special:
1) Start off with an act of kindness: Do something nice for someone else, whether it be helping out at a local charity or simply sending cards or gifts to friends and family members who could use some extra love during this season.
2) Create a gratitude journal: Spend time every day writing down things that you’re thankful for in your life – from big moments like graduating college or getting married, all the way down to small things like having access to clean water or being able to take walks outside when it’s sunny out.
3) Give back financially: Donate money (even just $5!) towards causes that mean something special too you – such as animal shelters, food banks, education initiatives etc., so those less fortunate than yourself can benefit from your generosity too!
4) Host an appreciation dinner party : Invite close friends over one night during Blessed Week and spend quality time together sharing stories about how they’ve been blessed throughout their lives – then enjoy delicious food together afterwards!
5 ) Take part in prayer/meditation sessions : Dedicate 10 minutes each day towards connecting spiritually with yourself through prayerful reflection; think about what makes life meaningful & beautiful , express thanksgiving & ask God’s guidance .
6 ) Make art inspired by blessings : Use any kind of medium (painting , drawing , photography etc.) t o create visual representations o f everything y ou’re grateful fo r ; hang these pieces up around yo ur home as reminders !
Check out More Blessing and Day Wishes Quotes
- 100 Monday Blessing Quotes and Wishes to Start New Week
- 100 Wednesday Blessings for Hump Day Inspiration
- 100 Friday Blessings For An Amazing Weekend
- 100 Positive And Inspirational Thursday Blessings
- 100 Saturday Morning Blessings To Make Weekend Awesome
- 100 Tuesday Morning Blessings for Best Fortune
- 100 Inspirational And Positive Sunday Blessing Quotes
7 ) Have fun ! Finally , don’t forget t hat celebrating blessings should also involve joyous activities . Get creative with planning games nights / movie marathons / karaoke nights wi th loved ones – whatever will bring laughter into everyone’s hearts !
No matter which activities you choose while celebrating Blessed Week this year remember that there is always plenty in our lives worth giving thanks for no matter how challenging times may get!